
In any of our communication channels please abide by the RUBEM Code of Conduct. In summary, being friendly and patient, considerate, respectful, and careful in your choice of words.

Usage Questions

First, please check if your question is answered on the FAQ.

If you have questions about how to use RUBEM, or have an issue that isn’t related to a bug, the Support Form is the best place to ask.

You might also find the answers you are looking for in our documentation guides and tutorials. These provide step-by-step solutions to common user requirements.

User Support

If you need a specific request for your project, please fill out the Support Form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


As with most open-source projects, the folks on these channels are volunteers. If nobody has answered your question, it may be because nobody can understand the question, or it may be that everybody that can help is busy.

You can also try asking at . But please don’t post your question in all two channels in quick succession.

Bug Reports

If you have an issue with the actual functioning of the model, you can file bug reports on our GitHub issue tracker. You can also contribute to RUBEM, as the code is open source.